
Monday, July 29, 2013

The Beginning

 Thanks for visiting Dark and Dreaming! This is my first blog, and therefore, my first blog post. I'm excited about where this journey will lead.

The title of the blog is a reference to my writing and myself. My writer self has a fascination with the dark--what dwells in it, what it means, and the types of darkness there are. Emotional, spiritual, and physical darkness are themes I like to explore in my writing. Perhaps all this springs from my own very strong fear of physical darkness. I never outgrew my childhood nyctophobia, and I'm sure I'm not alone in that. The "dreaming" half of the blog title refers to my hopes for myself. I want to hone my writing, and my greatest dream is that people will enjoy it.

As a new indie author, I've been reading a lot about not only writing-craft but also how to get my work in front of readers. It's really amazing how much goes into marketing a book, and reading all the advice and tips is a bit overwhelming. However, I'm trying things out one at a time, and I'm extremely grateful for everyone who has helped me thus far. This blog is part of my exploration in writing. I think writing about my writing will make me a stronger writer and help me to focus on what exactly it is I'm doing and not doing right. It also helps to have somewhere to spill thoughts, like a good friend that always listens.

Again, thanks for visiting. I hope to post more than my own musings here. Discussing books is always fun. We'll see what this space morphs into. Just as shadows shift depending on perspective and light, so does writing.

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